Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

is it my tagline ?

ok !

just like this.. {like my dear used to say} =P

it is so funny to have a fact like this today ..
thanks to twitter.
there are A LOT OF taglines u can use in this world, then why mine ?

so, tell me then.. if you're adoring for that much, don't be hesitate.. i didn't bite..


Jumat, 15 April 2011

tugas penulisan bahasa iklan

Kunti Nugrahesty ; 10607062


1. The thermometer takes exact measurements. – Precise.

2. The company commemorates the anniversary of this founding every year. – Honour.

3. Every manager must defend his or her budget. – Protect.

4. A salesperson must always keep a positive attitude. – Save.

5. Andrea offered a new slant on our sales problem. – Incline.

6. Speed is to be avoided on some jobs. – Quickness.

7. We must all work together to shape a new advertising campaign. – Form.

8. Ms. Yamada likes her computer assistants to test every program. – Examine.

9. Is there really a choice ? – Option.

10. The company’s decision to cut prices was brave. – Courageous.


1. Do not forget the sales meeting at the end of the month.

Remember the sales meeting at the end of the month.

2. Don’t fail to ship this order by airfreight.

Make sure to ship this order by airfreight.

3. You forgot to provide a delivery date.

You forgot to provide a delivery due date.

4. We cannot deliver your order because our plant is closed until July 15.

We are pending your order because our plant is closed until July 15.

5. Do not lower the product’s quality.

Make higher the product’s quality.

6. Don’t anger customer by being late for an appointment.

Be nice even customer by being late for an appointment.

7. We cannot act on your request at this time.

We cannot deliver your request at this time.

8. We will not forget your special request.

We will not forget your important request.

9. We won’t know our prices until April 1.

We cannot give any information about our prices until April 1.

10. Never forget a customer’s preferences.

Always remember a customer’s preferences.


1. Impartial, unbiased, objective = tidak memihak.

Fervent = Antusias

2. Entreat, beg, implore = menghimbau.

Offend = mengganggu.

3. Blossom, bloom, flower = berkembang.

Forbid = melarang.

4. Fabricate, shape, dodge = bentuk.

Fashion = gaya.

5. Meddle, interfere, tamper = ikut campur.

Invent = menemukan.

6. Revise, correct, remedy = memperbaiki.

Denounce = menuduh.

7. Coarse, gross, rude = kasar.

Refined = sangat sopan.

8. Guarder, wary, watchful = waspada.

Open = terbuka.

9. Principle, rule, regulation = peraturan.

Exception = penegcualian.

10. Routine, customary, irregular = terus menerus.

Uniform = seragam.

11. Speculate, theorize, guess = mengira-ngira.

Validate = benar.

12. Disclose, communicate, tell = memberi tahu.

Hide = bersembunyi.

13. Knowledge, learning, information = pengetahuan.

Fiction = karangan.

14. Significance, meaningful, serious = penting.

Unimportant = tidak penting.

15. Elementary, basic, pure = dasar.

Complicated = rumit.

Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

sales letter

sales letter is an amazing sentences for selling a product. everyone could write sales letter if they want their product sold easily. and on thee sales letter, one of the most important thing is the headline. firstly, people see the headline, when your headline didn’t make some affections to your candidate customer then they will leave your product. so, its mean that you failed to sell yours.

because of that, you must to give a full effort on the headline of your sales letter. on headline, your message will be read firstly. from headline, all process of selling and buying happened. so, don’t be afraid to change your sale’s letter headline if your income still broke.

to write sales letter you should ;

a. determine who is your market ?

b. set your purpose of course.

c. set your appeals product that will be match with your market. what is the advantage of your product ? why people have to care about it ?

d. organize some facts plan.

example of sales letter :



1111 Rose Avenue Street

New York, 9900


February 26, 2011

Ms. Kunti Nugrahesty

7777 Boulevard of Broken Dreams

Brooklyn, 78557

Dear Mrs. Sagara,

How would you like to receive a healthy food and snack for your babies ? Read on ! This might be the most important letter you ever receive.

Here’s why you have to get it when all products of baby’s food made from unhealthy composition. So when your babies consume it, we never know what will happened because we didn’t understand exactly what they did on their product.

So that is why, BABIESPORRIDGEcompany serves you with a healthy one, from fresh material and right composition. Even you can choose or have consultation for it.

Do these results sound unbelievable? I thought so too.

With BABIESPORRIDGEcompany, you shouldn’t afraid to give your babies food and snack because you can control it by yourself. Even if you don’t have time to have face to face consultation with us, we can still in touch with you on the phone line. We serve your babies everyday, because its our pleasure. Please read the enclosed material immediately. It provides complete details on how you can take advantage of this exclusive offer.


Kunti Nugrahesty

Customer Representative

Jumat, 17 September 2010

membantu bikin blog baru... [aduduh baiknyaaaa.. haha]

hari ini..
tanggal tujuh belas bulan september dua ribu sepuluh..
ade gw satu-satunya meminta gw buat bikinin dia blog..

ade gw ; mbak, bikinin gw blog..
gw ; oke !
ade gw ; tapi gw gk tau namanya apa..
gw ; yawdah cari aja dulu mau pake nama apa..
ade gw ; luxioners bagus kali ya ?
gw ; iya bagus..
ade gw ; yawdah, gw pake itu aja..
gw ; oke !
ade gw ; tapi luxioners tuh artinya apa ya mbak ?
gw ; *cuih.. GUBRAK !
ade gw ; mbak.. emang blog tuh buat apaan sih ?
gw ; *cuih-cuih.. GUBRAK dua kali !!

baiklah.. singkat cerita .. sehabis pertarungan panjang dan bacot-bacotan gara-gara blog yang mau dia bikin..
akhirnya.. blog ade gw berhasil terbuat dengan nama
bagi yang punya blog trus yang sering mampir ke blog gw..
coba intip-intip dikit ya blog ade gw..
yaaaaaaaaa... semoga aja bermanfaat bagi kesehatan anda semua..


Kamis, 16 September 2010

annyong ! maaf buat olala..

udah lama diriku tak posting disini..
rasannya rindu sangat..
berapa bulan ya ?
ehm.. 3 bulan ? lebih kali yaaaaa...

okay.. mau cerita apa nih ?
cerita apa ya ?
apa dong yang enak ?

gak jelas saya..
jadi grogi lama gak nulis disini..
malu sama blog yang saya sayang ini..
olala.. jangan marah ya.. karena saya melupakanmu sejenak..

sejenak ??
lama kali ini mah..

sorry sorry ... sorry jek !

damai !! okaaaayyy ?

Sabtu, 10 April 2010

how to teach speaking ?

Many language learners regard speaking ability as the measure of knowing a language. These learners define fluency as the ability to converse with others, much more than the ability to read, write, or comprehend oral language. They regard speaking as the most important skill they can acquire, and they assess their progress in terms of their accomplishments in spoken communication.

Language learners need to recognize that speaking involves three areas of knowledge:

  • Mechanics (pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary): Using the right words in the right order with the correct pronunciation
  • Functions (transaction and interaction): Knowing when clarity of message is essential (transaction/information exchange) and when precise understanding is not required (interaction/relationship building)
  • Social and cultural rules and norms (turn-taking, rate of speech, length of pauses between speakers, relative roles of participants): Understanding how to take into account who is speaking to whom, in what circumstances, about what, and for what reason.

In the communicative model of language teaching, instructors help their students develop this body of knowledge by providing authentic practice that prepares students for real-life communication situations. They help their students develop the ability to produce grammatically correct, logically connected sentences that are appropriate to specific contexts, and to do so using acceptable (that is, comprehensible) pronunciation.